Summary of LTS Services, Activities, and Projects
LTS supports livestock and meat trade through a variety of service offerings, management and operations activities and access to quality disease- antibiotic- and hormone-free livestock and meat.
- Quarantine Design and Construction Services
- Quarantine Management and Operations Services
- Livestock & Meat Traceability Systems
- Stress-free Transportation Services
- End-to-End Supply & Processing Chain Operations, Supervision, and Quality Assurance
- Slaughterhouse Quality Assurance / Quality Improvement & Management Services
- Livestock Feed Production, Fattening and Finishing Services
- Our Activities and Projects
Quarantine Design and Construction Services
Djibouti Regional Export Quarantine designed by LTS staff
- State-of-the-art quarantine design. Livestock export quarantines are highly technical and often expensive to construct due to their size. Many factors such as water flow, wind direction and speed, soil types and previous industrial or agricultural activities, resident and nearby wildlife and livestock populations, and proximity to the port of export all play important factors in determining the suitability and the exact design of a quarantine.
- LTS staff designed the first modern livestock export quarantine in Djibouti, Africa which has become the standard model for livestock export from the Horn of Africa region since it’s opening in 2006.
- LTS staff have informed the design of most Somalia quarantines, one under construction in Kenya and one in Oman.
- With each new design we introduce cost-effective changes and innovations and in some cases are able to reduce the cost of a livestock export quarantine by as much as 50% using innovative and environmentally friendly construction materials.
- We can deliver advanced state-of-the-art livestock quarantines to fit most purposes anywhere in the world.
Quarantine Management and Operations
- Livestock and meat trade requires professional management.
- LTS provides turn-key Operations and Management for livestock export quarantines, ensuring that all livestock pass importing country requirements inspections.
- Rejections by importing countries are highly embarrassing for the exporter and the exporting country. Additionally, they are costly mistakes both in terms of revenue and animal welfare.
- Our approach is and will always remain science-based. Thus our rates of rejection will always remain far below average, avoiding trade bans and ensuring the highest possible revenue for exporters.
- Quarantine bio-security is critical to keeping livestock healthy, wholesome and disease free. This requires limited access, disease-free feed, and careful purposeful management to esure that disease is kept out of the quarantine facility.

Livestock & Meat Traceability Systems
- Our LTS proprietary Animal Passport System and Traceability Systems record all key events in the animal’s life as they relate to livestock and meat export: the results of any examinations, lab tests, vaccinations, treatments and antibiotic withholding times to ensure that the animal is not slaughtered with antibiotic residues that could endanger the human food chain.

Traceability of livestock and meat are key to the professional management of LTS livestock and meat trade.
Stress-Free Transportation Services
Livestock quarantines extend from the point of entry to arrival at the destination port.
Transportation is critical to the animal welfare, quality and disease-free status of livestock. Perfectly quarantined livestock placed on a contaminated ship will arrive stressed and diseased.
Provision of quality feed, water, ventilation, protection from the elements, and appropriate space for livestock to freely move are all absolutely necessary in livestock transport.
LTS maintains its staff on all livestock ships carrying animals from any of the quarantines that we manage.
Ground transportation has similar requirements and needs. LTS ensures that all livestock ground transporters serving LTS-managed quarantines sign on to and strictly follow LTS transportation protocols which include feed and water stops for long-distance trips and prevent overcrowding and stressing of livestock transported by trucks or railways.
- By offering a variety of quality livestock feeds both in the quarantines and on quarantined ships, we can assure livestock wholesomeness.
- LTS offers shipping services with our technical staff on-board ensure that the disease and antibiotic free status of our livestock is maintained.
End-to-End Supply & Processing Chain Operations
- A quality product, be livestock or meat comes from intimate knowledge of the entire supply and processing chain.
- LTS carefully manages its supply of livestock to ensure that they are consistent in quality and are sourced from areas free of livestock diseases important to trade.
- Our goal is to ensure that the importer and client specifications for livestock and meat are met or exceeded. Only through end-to-end supply chain management can we assure this.
- specifications for livestock and meat are met or exceeded. Only through end-to-end supply chain management can we assure this.
Fattening & Finishing Livestock
To ensure that client specifications are met, we fatten and finish our livestock with quality feed.
Innovative feed technologies

- Most of the livestock that we serve are young animals that were born and have spent their life on pristine organic pastures where livestock are shepherded by renown Masai, Samburu, Somali, and Orma pastoralists who carefully guide their livestock to the best grasses.
- To ensure that client specifications are met, we fatten and finish our livestock with quality feed often produced on our own farms.
- We use a number of approaches to our fattening and finishing, from the traditional quality pasture and grain feeding to hydroponics and newer innovative feeding practices.
- Additionally we offer services to fatten and finish livestock at other locations such as holding grounds, feedlots, and quarantines
Slaughterhouse Quality Assurance / Quality Improvement & Management Services
- We provide input into all aspects of slaughterhouse operations and onward shipment ensuring that the meat is hygienic and wholesome.
- Our Services range from Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement training and oversight generally in service to higher-end exporters who are proud to ship quality products to their customers.
- We also provide full slaughterhouse management and operations services for meat processors wishing to improve their quality and provide tender, appealing meat to the marketplace.
Livestock Feed Production & Livestock Fattening and Finishing Services
Our Coastal Riverside Farm in Kenya provides a perfect environment for livestock feed production under irrigation and a wholesome place for livestock fattening and finishing livestock for domestic or overseas market.
Livestock are kept stress-free in a natural environment and are finished on the highest quality feed available, assuring their antibiotic-free, hormone-free, and disease free status.
LTS can grow a variety of high quality livestock feed for domesitc use or export. Our feed can be certified disease-free so that it can be used in biosecure locations such as livestock quarantines and on ships.