LTS Visits Kenya’s Biosecure Bachuma Livesock Export Quarantine

In September 2016, the LTS CEO and the Chairman of the Kenya Meat and Exporter’s Association visited the site of the ongoing construction of the Government of Kenya Bachuma Livestock Export Quarantine.

The quarantine sits on a 15,000-acre site and is well positioned for cost-effective, disease-free livestock export through Mombasa Port.

The Most Biosecure Quarantine in Africa

It is the most protected and biosecure of all quarantines in Africa today.  With 4 distinct and robust barricades to entry, the quarantine is highly fortified creating a facility that will be truly isolated from livestock, wildlife, and people.

3-meter wide by 3-meter deep trench with vertical walls (under construction). The quarantine has triple barriers to entry making it the most highly secure quarantine ever constructed in Africa.
Quarantine Perimeter Fence taken from outside.
Quarantine Perimeter Fence taken from outside.

The quarantine will accommodate sheep, goats, cattle and camel and is a state-of-the-art design that LTS participated in.  We look forward to continuing to work with the Government to make this quarantine highly successful and establish and maintain a record of zero exports of livestock disease from Kenya.

Goat and sheep quarantine pen under construction.
Goat and sheep quarantine pen under construction.


Internal livestock pen fence providing a third and highly secure facility.
Internal livestock pen fence providing a third and highly secure facility.

Rapid, safe, and biosecure transport to the coast

Within 200 meters of the quarantine, a new Standard Guage Railroad is ready to transport livestock to the quarantine and once livestock are properly quarantined and are ready for export, to the nearby seaport for export.


The quarantine is set to be ready for shipments by the close of 2016.

LTS secures Quarantine Management Contract     

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Ensuring healthy and wholesome disease- antibiotic- & hormone-free livestock & meat to global markets.